Saturday, April 03, 2010

¡que accidente!



not really a real update, though I have one in the works. i just took a couple shots of my new additions and subtractions today. i crashed my bike on Greenpoint Avenue an hour or so ago. i got cut off by a BMW that was going around another car turning left. the funny thing is i probably would have been ok had the BMW not run over my right foot as he was trying to get his car out of the way after i'd crashed. also... brakes. what the hell man. i actually converted one of my track bikes to a single-speed freewheel with brakes and was riding that one today. the stopping power of that front brake is impressive, the back one not as much. maybe i'll put the fixed gear side back on and keep the brakes and use all three to stop the bike next time. the guy in the car was pretty cool and this German girl up the block helped me out with some bandages and Neosporin-type ointment. speaking of which, gauze and bandages are expensive! who knew? i might owe her some money.


also my sneaker got all destroyed too.

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