Wednesday, August 02, 2006

this is planet earth

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i've pondered making one of these things before. i don't know why i decided to start now because it isn't like my life is suddenly a lot more interesting that would necessitate making a blog. plus "blog" is an ugly word. i like to read them though, especially those of my friends who live in other countries. i've never been to another country. i grew up in delaware and lived there on nigh 23 years before moving to los angeles, then moved to sacramento, which was a lot like delaware, then to berkeley, which was boring but had the particular noteriety of a 7-11 that actually closed at 11, then to san francisco where i lived for almost three years, and now i am in brooklyn. i do a web zine with my friend casey mckinney (he actually writes a lot more on this site) called Fanzine. see? i know some html.

not really sure where this will all lead. i don't really have a theme in mind yet, besides the obvious. i will probably just make you all look at a lot of my shitty photos and then tell long winded stories about them. i'll keep this one short though: the cows picture was taken on US1 on the way up from LA to SF, which is, in my experience, one of the most mesmerizing, gorgeous, and surreal drives in the country. i'd almost fight a war to save most of it (the drive).

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