Sunday, July 08, 2012

fresh snakehead caviar

eggs_1 eggs_ben eggs_johnr Ben Sargent and I went to a snakehead fishing derby down in the south of Maryland last month. We were severely underprepared, but there were more than 1400 pounds of snakehead caught over the weekend tournament, not a single ounce of which was caught by us. I'm currently working on a writing project about snakeheads, which may or may not lead to a bigger project. Many of the fish were donated to a company called ProFish, and that's John Rorapaugh of Profish in the third picture. Steve Vilnit of the Maryland DNR was fileting some fish for Ben when he found a pregnant fish and treated us to some fresh caviar. I was apprehensive at first, but since Ben has the Hook, Line & Dinner tv show, he must be open to eating anything fish. After he, Steve, and John tried it I knew I had to also. It was surprisingly light and neutral tasting—not fishy at all. Might be good lightly fried with some soy sauce.


Unknown said...

You're Chinese. You would find anything tasty lightly fried with some soy sauce.

Unknown said...

You're Chinese, you would find anything tasty lightly fried with some soy sauce.