Tuesday, October 27, 2009

power up!


while listening to "Cindy Tells Me," i, for some reason, had the desire to bring this blog back to its state of zombie-like life, neither joyously alive nor fully dead. i like to think the blog was in a state of hibernation—not metamorphosis like a caterpillar in which i would emerge stronger and more beautiful and with a new sense of purpose—but rather how i imagine a grizzly bear crawls his miserable way out of the dark, comfortable cave: grumpy, groggy, a little rough around the edges. it's been a long time, a few passwords i had to recall from hazy memory. [also if anyone knows how to forcibly archive all my old posts below this one please let me know...]

this blog will however take a new direction and become mostly a photo blog. for my last birthday my girlfriend got me a new scanner and i've been trying to catalog and archive a ton of old photos, mostly from my time spent in California, from 1999 and 2000 to near the end of 2006. a lot of these photos are just being developed very recently after spending most of their post-camera lives in dark, cold film canisters tucked into a series of about four or five different refrigerators. a lot of the films are damaged in some way, mostly by heat from traveling around with me from house to house over many years and probably being left in a trunk or in the sun somewhere. much of this film that's already developed i've never even seen in positive or in any kind of size that didn't require a loupe and your imagination. i was super broke back then in California, had a bad habit of shoplifting film pretty much every day from the Vons on Mission St., although i had no way (or money) to develop any of the photos until now, when i've slowly gotten off my arse to process and scan them.

of course, the first photo is completely opposite of what i just said—it's a polaroid taken with the new (old) back i got for my Hassleblad this summer.

i'm going to try to update with old photos regularly... or at least once a week for starters... so look around and you might see some old friends you haven't seen or thought about in a long time, sunsets and empty roads and fields, and places we all used to know.

1 comment:

Richard said...

youre posting looking forward to this the gamer addiction article for fanzine the personal parts, what a read