Monday, October 16, 2006

try to be nice and look what it gets ya

i was at the bus stop on 11th and cherry today waiting to get on the bus back to nyc. this lady starts talking to me. i could tell from her voice she was a little fucked up and on something. she asked me to help her carry this big bag onto the bus for her. i carried her stuff onto the bus and tossed my bag onto the middle part of the bus. "go to the back of the bus," she said. so i carried her stuff to the back of the bus. i say, "ok, see ya" and she grabs my hand and starts rubbing it saying something like, "oh, you don't want to sit back here with me?" and trying to get me to come back there, which i didn't really want to do, but she wouldn't let go of my hand. she says her name is Toya. finally the bus-lady came on and asked for our tickets and started yelling at Toya to get off the bus. i guess she knew Toya didn't have a ticket. she says to me, "oh, i'm gonna run to the store real quick i'll be right back. what's your number?" i gave her a fake number and she got off the bus and i was praying she wouldn't come back on, urging the bus to take off before she had a chance. then instead this cute girl came on and sat behind me. she looked like someone i used to know, but she had glasses and this red lipstick on, which the s.i.u.t.k. probably never wears(i totally have a thing for cute girls in glasses). i never get to talk to the one i want. the only people who talk to me are (a) hookers; (b) cops pretending to be hookers; or (c) agents of creditors pretending to be hookers.

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