i just got my credit today for the scanner that broke, but they made the check out to Susan instead of me, so i have to wait until she gets back before i can use it. so in the meantime with the dearth of new photos and old photos to scan in i decided to throw in some photos i take occasionally with the iPhone. i don't usually look at these pictures on anything but the iPhone, so it's sometimes interesting to see what i have on there. it seems to have this weird selective focus if i look really closely, but otherwise it takes pictures "just ok" for evidentiary uses (it's an older 3G model). these are pictures i took of weird or interesting looking graffiti, mostly within a few blocks around my work.
Ross the Boss comes back to America
sloppy white wall
DAYS over someone, can't read it. KACE over LEETO
JA and OJAE over COLT45
a quick MR. GRACEFUL across the street
he was a cool dude
i love stuff like this. found in a back alley while scouting fishing spots.
I got my computer back this week. It had some major problems and had to get the hard drvie and video card replaced. So far so good. I sent my scanner back to the warranty place, and while it can be a pain in the ass, the extended warranty B&H sells you is usually almost always worth it to replace broken gear, especially in these days when stuff is obsolete the day you bring it home. So I haven't been able to scan anything new in yet, but I have pics from the Pen-FT from the summer and some Yashica t5 stuff from the recent Poconos trip. No idea what will come from those. I'm going to process some stuff this weekend, but i gotta wait for the scanner or the check to come back before i can get anything new up. Sorry.
I took this photo of Emily on the Golden Gate Bridge with the Yashica t5. This must have been 2004. It was near the end of a really long trip to get from downtown SF to the bridge. We ended up taking a bunch of buses, got lost a bunch of times, ended up stranded in shopping centers in Marin, stranded in a little sea town (maybe it was Tiburon?) waiting for a bus that seemed would never come, ended up begging that bus driver to let us off basically on the highway because we were on the wrong bus again and were headed over the bridge. We got off on some onramp/offramp on the north side of the bridge and started walking over. It was one of those early summer days when the fog is just starting to roll in during the evening, but before those August days when the fog just covers everything. The light was quite nice though you can't really see that in this shot as I used the flash so the red of her sweatshirt popped a little more. I guess there's a balance in there somewhere, but i didn't get it. Gorgeous up there around that time of day, especially on the west side. Windy up there, though.